Sunday, February 20, 2011


It's been a few days since I posted anything, been somewhat sick, first time in years I was that sick but I've seemed to get over most of it rather quickly, lucky me. I've been doing some reflecting, a lot of thinking, which isn't anything out of the ordinary for me. And I just wanted to get a few points across the best way I can, which is something that's always been hard for me because people tend to take what I say the wrong way; additionally it's always hard for me to give a good first impression because I'm always perceived in the wrong way.

My goal isn't really to force change, on anyone, my goal is to simply point out to you that our system, the way of life we live, isn't the best way. The truth is I don't really need to force change, change is inevitable, I just want to get ideas out there into people's minds, so when the time comes and we have to change, maybe then more people will be prepared.

The way way live today won't last forever, it was just one of the many building blocks throughout history that we have climbed throughout our evolutionary process as a species. I know it's hard for the masses to completely understand what I'm getting at, I understand that my words probably won't be understood as deeply as I mean them to be for a long time. And that's completely alright with me, I'm not after selfish things, I'm not after money or fame; I'm after knowledge and understanding, I'm after bettering the world and helping our species evolve with time.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wake Up Wake Up!

Look at every animal and every species that is exstinct, or ones becoming exstinct. Why did they or why are they dying? BECAUSE THEY FAILED TO EVOLVE. If you aren't comprehending let me repeat, BECAUSE THEY FAILED TO EVOLOVE. Let look at human civilization, what's been the cause of civilizations failing? THEY FAILED TO EVOLVE. Are you seeing a pattern? I hope so, if not there's no hope and I should just prepare myself for the oncoming anslaught. Either we come together, or we fail; that's where we are, it's time to make a decision. It's time grow up and face reality, to face the truth. We have to be the saviors of our species, we have to create the new world. Jesus's return was a metaphor passed on, not a literal meaning. It was meant for us to see that we need to come together as one, to evolve as one, as one body working together instead of thousands of forces pulling and pushing in different directions. The Bible wasn't to be used as a literal meaning, there is no God, wake up, are you seriously going to continue to kneel and PRAY to some imaginary God? Are you seriously that delusional? What kind of person are you to sit there and say you PRAY for these poor and faminized countries while you sit in your house, complaining about making minimum wage on the INTERNET, are you kidding me? While some small culture of people is dying of starvation and hunger, while they have no idea what the INTERNET is. How sick do you have to be to continue to do that, and I'm sorry but science has proven the Big Bang, it happened, and they've proven how molecules and atoms can come together right after the moment of the big bang to create the different species we have on this planet. Time to get off your brainwashed and delusional knees and see the big picture; if not, this civilization, just like the many many before it, will cease to exist.

It's so funny to see humans make the same mistakes over and over again, you have these pioneers who talk about the earth being round, or that the earth orbits the sun, and for years upon years morons fight them and say they're wrong. In the end, the people who dream, Jacques Fresco, Alan Watts, Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking; or in the past Newton, Galileo, Einstein, Tesla; these are the guys who have a grasp on things, and dumbass civilization takes another 100 years to catch on. This time though, it'll be too late.

Human Civilization: The Future (Video)Michio Kaku

Human Civilization: The Future

For a long time, I questioned how we as humans fit into the big picture; for a long time, I questioned how it was that we came about being on this planet, we are nothing alike in terms of anything else on this planet and unlike everything else that helps create a better world, we are destroying it. 

Then I was hit by something, an epiphany, the reason that it doesn't seem like we fit in isn't because we don't fit into the equations, it's because we have chosen to follow the wrong path. What we have created, and the direction we have pushed civilization and culture, is wrong. Things need to change, because in fact we do fit in to the equation, but we are using mankind and the human civilization in the wrong way. It's rather simple if you think about it, we are the most intelligent life form on this planet, our goal shouldn't be separating culture and using a monetary system to keep the world going( a system that no doubt will fall sooner or later, just like every other civilization if we don't change). The way we should be working out this equation is by becoming one with the Earth and nature, by becoming one civilization that uses the Earth and all of it's natural Energy to fuel our civilization. Removing these corrupt systems that we have in place, these systems that allow a few select individuals to run the world we all live in. We are the intelligent being on this planet, and it's our job to solve problems together, we shouldn't all be pushing and pulling in thousands of different directions. It's time we change this delusional society we have built and change for the better. Let's take a step into the future together, let's rewrite the history books together, let's create a basis for a future society that doesn't have to worry about war, famine, extinction. Open your eyes, I urge you to do so, I urge you to start helping the cause and help get rid of culture and societies barriers.

Another note to think about is our school system, and the way children are raised in the homes. Which another thing to thing about is crime is caused by the uneducated and the ones that were brought up wrongly or in bad places. If we remove those issues from society, it will only get better; we will actually rid the world of crime and poverty by becoming a world civilization that isn't built on money. But getting back to the whole education system, I want you to think about this, and understand this; the human brain is stronger than any computer we've ever put together, most people don't understand that, yet that being fact when children are young what do we teach them? We teach them 1+1=2 and ABC, are you kidding me? Then when the brain slowly starts to get to the point where it's hard to force it to learn, that's when we start adding in subjects like physics and different languages and advanced mathematics. Do you not see how wrong this is? We talk to children in some baby language. Do you not see something wrong with this? Children should be taught everything, and I'll link another video in my next post where Michio Kaku talks about the future with this in mind. Mind you I want you to realize that the technologies and ideas needed to get this idea for our education systems in place is being worked on; we will have the capability soon. But it's our place, it's your place to stand up and help fight for the cause, help fight for the countries that are struggling with famine; it's time we stand together and fix this corrupt world before our so called "leaders" lead us right back into another stone age.

A World Without Money

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The First Missile Fired

You see, I too had a dream, that white people and black people and people that belief in science and evolution, and people that believe in Christianity and that God created the planets, people that believe in astrology and so on and so forth, beliefs shouldn't be barriers but a way of communication; it's time we come together as one unit and become the people that believe in making the impossible possible. We are standing at the cornerstone of time, where one way will lead us back to level 0, then the other path leads us to pushing our civilization to new heights. Creating a one world civilization that learns to harness the energy of the planet instead of using dead plants to give us energy; it's time we evolved to a much higher level and stop with all this petty bickering. Just look at the governments and the few people that are in charge, these so called good people who are looking out for our own good? The same people that are letting countries across the world starve. It's time we, and I'm not just talking to Americans, I'm talking to everybody on this planet that believes advancing as a civilization, that believes in love, that believes in the good in things. It's time we start putting work in on evolving to a higher level of civilization, before time catches up with us and the opportunity is lost. Either the governments should be with the idea of evolving as a species, or it's the fact that their are billions of us that want to better our way of life for future generations and only hundreds of them that want these barriers in communication; these barriers in culture. It's time we come together, it's time we become one collective force instead of thousands of different forces pulling and pushing in different directions. It's our time, it's our time to write the history books for us; it's time for a revolution. We have the technology, we have the brainpower and the man power to bring us all together, to save starving people, to save these starving countries. Stop acting like you're somebody because you live where you live, man up and fight for the people that don't have anything. It's time we change, it's time for a Revolution.